
Welcome to my blog!

I am Buffy, I live in Iowa with my kitty cat Meowshine and stay rather busy trying to be healthy, eating right, working out, working my full-time job and running my own custom jewelry business on the side. Thanks for coming along for the ride :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Zumba...a lesson in pushing past your comfort zone

Ah Zumba. How much do I love you? So much!

I don’t know if you have heard of Zumba or have wondered about it but it is the most fun I have ever had working out. Here is a great link that explains what it is…

I have been really pushing myself to get out of my comfort zone and try new things. If you never try something, how do you know that it won’t become something you absolutely love? How do you know if it is going to improve your life and make you happier? You have to try things to find out what fits into your life and help you become the person you always dreamed of.

So in January I pushed myself to try this new class that looked like a lot of fun, and now I can’t imagine life without it. I take my class on Monday nights and I now look forward to Monday’s. If you know me at all, I dislike Monday’s a lot. It’s always super busy and stressful at work and like anyone it’s hard to say good bye to the weekend. But since I started Zumba, I may have moments of stress or moment of ‘God I hate my life’ but then I remember that I have Zumba after work and all is right in the world.

I go to class and when I get done I am the happiest girl in the world. My teacher is amazing and so high energy. The workout goes by so fast and I always burn a ton of calories (typically 500-650 calories). I truly cannot imagine my life without it.

So go out and try something. If you have thought about doing it, push yourself and do it! If you don’t like it or it doesn’t work out, at least you know. You don’t have to live with the what if’s. Then you can move on to the next thing. I know I want to get the most out of my time here on earth and I hope you do too. I think you will be surprised at the things you can do if you just push yourself to give it a try.

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