
Welcome to my blog!

I am Buffy, I live in Iowa with my kitty cat Meowshine and stay rather busy trying to be healthy, eating right, working out, working my full-time job and running my own custom jewelry business on the side. Thanks for coming along for the ride :)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Wk 1, day 2 - Running half asleep

With day one of training under my belt, this morning I was on to day two. Day one was easy, 30-40 minutes cross training, which for me is my one-hour Monday night Zumba class. It always leaves me sweaty, happy and ends the day in a way that makes whatever happened before not seem so bad. This morning was the first scheduled training run. As my alarm went off at 5:45am I almost went into automatic “change the alarm to 6:45am instead” mode as so often happens when I try and get up early to workout. It’s funny because I always used to workout in the morning when I was with the ex. Working out at night just didn’t happen because of worries of getting in the way in the living room or him convincing me I didn’t really need to or last minute plans that I would let get in the way. I always worked out in the mornings, always. Now that my time is all mine, I workout mostly at night. It makes the nights after work not feel so lonely. I’m more conscious of why I’m working out and can tend to get out any aggression I may need working out from my day or my life. I have more time for longer workouts if I do it at night. I have come to sleep more and more and trying to get up earlier then I really have to, seems to be a real chore. Anyways I knew I had stuff I had to do tonight after work and this was going to have to be a morning run.

I sleepily turned the alarm off and made way to get ready to run. I was half asleep the whole time, walking back and forth trying to find what I needed.
Long hair pulled back into a pony tail, bondiband on holding bangs back.
Clothes on, chest strap for my Garmin…wait where is the cloth adjustable part?
I could find the hard piece with the actual thing that detects your heart rate but not the stretchy adjustable part that fits around your torso. At this point I’m walking back and forth in my apartment, trying to find something I haven’t used in weeks. Finally in my half asleep brain it dawns on me that I don’t need it to use the Garmin to track how long I’m running in minutes and the distance I’ve gone.
Good enough.
Socks, shoes and mp3 player on. Then on to my new hand held water bottle. Where’s the dang lid?
I then rummage through my dish strainer to find it. Fill up the water bottle and spill a bunch on the floor trying to get the top screwed on. Get my keys into the pouch on the water bottle and I’m ready to run.

The getting ready process was much more complicated then it needed to be. I will get my stuff ready the night before so my half-asleep brain doesn’t have to think so hard next time. The run itself was good. It was warm and muggy already but I kept a slow pace and it was really good. 3 slow miles in 37 minutes. I walked a bit to cool down and then back home to stretch, shower and get on with my day. During the run I realized I really need to make a playlist. My mp3 player selects from all the songs on there and I have it so it randomizes it. It's nice to be surprised but when its a bunch of slow songs, it takes more effort then I care to give to skip until I find a suitable running song. So next task, make a running play list.

Anywho...2 days down, 82 more to go :)

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