
Welcome to my blog!

I am Buffy, I live in Iowa with my kitty cat Meowshine and stay rather busy trying to be healthy, eating right, working out, working my full-time job and running my own custom jewelry business on the side. Thanks for coming along for the ride :)

Monday, August 8, 2011

HM Wk 1 and 2 Review

Ok so last week wasn’t great. Actually the last two weeks of training haven’t been great. I’m keeping up slightly but had some allergy/lung illness that caused the running to be hard. Coupled with the extreme heat and humidity it was just hard. I’m looking forward to this week not having so many interruptions, cooler weather and being able to get what stuff done.

One thing I’m going to work on this week is breaking in my new running shoes. I haven’t been wearing them and my knees can tell. I always have a hard time breaking in shoes but I need to. The ones I’m running in now are the ones I trained and ran the half in last year in and have worn ever since (regular runs, two 5k races and a 10k race). I get frustrated because I want to run the whole time but with these that I have to break in I can’t do that. My feet/body just aren’t used to them. But I need to break them in, get it over with early and get on with it.

Also I’m going to work on ST. My wrist finally feels better so I’ll be able to lift weights and be much more consistent with it. Also I’m going to work on my abs when I get back from my runs. I had started and kinda slacked off last week so I want to keep that up.

Hmmm I guess that is it for now. Hopefully for next week I will have better week to report.

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