
Welcome to my blog!

I am Buffy, I live in Iowa with my kitty cat Meowshine and stay rather busy trying to be healthy, eating right, working out, working my full-time job and running my own custom jewelry business on the side. Thanks for coming along for the ride :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Who are you?

I was told today by my doctor that she didn’t recognize me. I’m not sure how different I look from last September but apparently enough for her to comment. I had a regular listener from the radio station to drop something off and she asked me if I was someone else. I said no I’m Buffy and she said “oh my goodness I didn’t recognize you, you look so different.” I can’t really remember the last time she was in but maybe late last summer, early fall. It wasn’t until my doctor commented too that I really thought about it. Did I look that different? I was pretty tan then with all the running and outdoor bootcamp. My hair was lighter. But I can’t imagine that my hair being a bit darker and my skin more pale would make me unrecognizable. I have lost 10 lbs and I know on a short girl like me that can make a difference.

The more I think about it I wonder how much it has to do with how much happier and at ease I feel. I’m sure that how good I feel emotionally has to translate on the outside. I supposed with you lose a toxic person in your life you are bound to feel and look different. Sure I have to deal with my share of the drama now but my life over all is so much more at peace and happy. I look forward to my future and all the things I can accomplish. I no longer dread the days and just pass them like they don’t matter. Like me and my life don’t matter. I used to think because I didn’t matter to him, that I didn’t matter. I’ve learned a lot in the last 7 months and I have to tell you I never imagined I could be this happy 7 months out. I suppose it has so much to do with your outlook and perspective.

So look around you today. Are you living the life you want? What is holding you back? Are you radiating happiness because you feel it inside? How could you make changes so that you do? Maybe it’s not that I’m happier. Maybe it is because I’m paler, darker hair, less 10 lbs. But I’d like to think that my life and happiness has something to do with it :)

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