
Welcome to my blog!

I am Buffy, I live in Iowa with my kitty cat Meowshine and stay rather busy trying to be healthy, eating right, working out, working my full-time job and running my own custom jewelry business on the side. Thanks for coming along for the ride :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sometimes life hands you lemons…

And what you do with those lemons can make a huge difference in your whole well being. You can choose to dwell on the bad, or you can decide to take the positive and run with that instead. Sometimes it doesn’t feel like a conscious effort and at other times it is an all out battle. But life is just better when you can look at the bright side of things.

I think I always used to be a pessimist. I used to dwell in the bad. Hold on to hurt feelings for years. I used to see everything at face value and usually only the bad it presented. I thought I was happy, or as happy as I could be. I was this hurt, damaged girl. What kind of life did I really expect to have?
When I started losing weight I was still in a bad place. I didn’t feel good about who I was, what I had done in life, and where I was going. I also thought if I got skinny I would be so happy. Skinny was the key to happiness. Wow was I wrong!

Now I see things so different and I try and see them in the best possible light. I think of things that I am happy about or that makes me smile. I make a concerted effort to never wake up on the wrong side of the bed. I smile, I laugh, and some how I have become happy. Sure I have days where I want to stay in bed and growl at everyone who crosses me. But I want to be happy most of the time and so I am.
The truth is it’s hard but the payoff is well worth the work. And the more I manually change my mind to think of the good, and not the bad, the easier it is to do it automatically.

Not only do I see the world through rosier colored glasses but I also see myself better. I no longer pick myself apart. I no longer allow my inner dialogue to be abusive and hurtful. I treat myself as though I were a small child that I have to take care of. I would never tell a small child that they were fat and ugly, so why would I do that to myself? So I don’t. I stop the self abuse in its tracks and I think of something I do like about myself. I look in the mirror and focus on the good, not the bad. I understand that I am a work in progress and I do love myself. Did you hear that? I actually love myself. I care what happens to me and I want the best for my life. Why wouldn’t I? Why wouldn’t you?

So today look at the world through the eyes of that child within you. See the opportunities to play and have fun. Be kind to yourself. You’ve only got one life, so why not make it as fun and happy as possible?

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