I had a bit of a rough morning yesterday. I went to reset my alarm and set it completely wrong and woke up late. Anyways I had some Lean Pocket's Egg, Bacon and Cheese in the freezer at work so that was my breakfast. They are pretty good but definitely don't keep me full through the entire morning...Calories 280
Lunch was a salad again, and the only added to the previous salads was some cauliflower. I was a little low on lettuce then I'd like so I added a bit for some extra volume to the salad. Again this was left overs from the baby shower and I've decided I don't *love* cauliflower. I don't hate it like I thought (like I still really don't like celery. I can eat it with peanut butter but otherwise, yuck!) so I guess that is good. On the other hand with these veggies I found out I really really like raw broccoli. The salad...456 calories
Dinner was the Cheesy Crockpot Chicken and oh man was it tasty! I added a half cup of brown rice and half a cup of canned green beans. If I had corn I probably would have added that too. My recipe made 4 servings (I didn't have as much chicken as the recipe called for)...421 calories
My snack between breakfast and lunch was a banana, string cheese and coffee (251 calories) and between lunch and dinner was carrots, broccoli and dip (114 calories). Mmmmmm.
Grand total for the day 1523 calories
Yum! I miss Lean Pockets every now and then. We LIVED on those babies, especially the Chicken Quesadilla ones. Glad you're enjoying the picture taking, sometimes it helps to see what you're eating. This morning the title of mine would've "Carbalicious"